"We recognise the golden individuality of people. Our objective is to unpack that individuality to deeply understand a leader’s ambition, passion and motivation. These components are then quantified and consciously repackaged by the leader into a bespoke formula that delivers precisely what that leader wants."

Jeremy Brooke

The ABL Story

It took us 40 years of note-taking, 7 years of training, 100 hours of filming and countless hours of refining to get to the 21 hours of distilled business leadership principles in the ABL Programme.

  • Jeremy Brooke, like most people, has faced a great deal of challenges throughout his personal and business life. Not least the traditional challenges of building businesses while balancing the demands of health, friendships, and family responsibilities. He has also contended with having no tertiary education, no access to capital, and significant personal complexities.

  • From an early stage in his career, Jeremy sought guidance from mentors and began to articulate his ambition along with his philosophies and logics on life and business. He meticulously wrote down his thoughts on everything from parenting to balance sheet reengineering — an acumen that would become the cornerstone of his approach to life and business. It is this acumen to which Jeremy attributes his many turnarounds and successes in his personal and business life.

  • During his 40-year career, Jeremy was at the helm of over 16 businesses (including National Foods and Shearwater) and was exposed to top-level decision-makers at several listed entities (including Innscor Africa, Tiger Brands and Exxon Mobil). He refined his framework continually and began sharing his thinking with his teams, partners, friends and family – witnessing the immense positive effect it had in the people he shared it with.

  • In 2017, Jeremy launched The 1000 Day CEO, a business leadership course that would be founded on the core philosophies and logics he had developed. He delivered practical toolkits, tactics and strategies for business leaders to achieve personal and business success, and focused energy on the things that mattered most – much less the long-winded theories and 'hot air' that he'd seen elsewhere. The 1000 Day CEO was delivered to over 300 business leaders over a period of 5 years.

  • Recognizing the importance of empowering business leaders across the continent, Jeremy partnered with a team who shared his vision. He understood that making this content accessible would contribute to the overall growth of individuals and of Africa as a whole. The 1000 Day CEO course was refined, enhanced and transformed into an online programme called Acumen for Business Leaders (ABL). ABL launched with its first cohort in November of 2022.

  • Jeremy and the ABL team passionately believe that great business leadership will be critical to the growth and success of Africa – and that great business leaders come from ordinary people who know who they are, what they want and where they're going.

Our aim is to equip businesses leaders with simple tactics, practical toolkits and clear strategies for achieving success in their businesses and their lives.

Programme Host

Jeremy Brooke

Jeremy is an entrepreneur and business leader with over 30 years of pan-African experience. He has direct board-level exposure and senior management experience at several businesses and listed entities, and has led significant business turnarounds in a variety of industries. In the ABL programme, we have distilled the framework Jeremy uses to deliver turnarounds and growth in African businesses into 240+ video lectures. The principles and mindsets he teaches offer new perspectives and immense clarity in areas of business that are too often overlooked and misunderstood. Outside of his several business endeavours, Jeremy is an enthusiastic and charismatic father, husband and fanatical fisherman. He’s a Type 3 on the Enneagram. Strong, to the point, and deeply engaged in everything he does. Jeremy is passionate about helping people overcome their personal challenges and fears, and contributes a great deal of time and energy to giving back to his community. Jeremy lives in Harare, Zimbabwe when he’s not travelling for work, fishing or fishing.

Meet the Team

Ben Rath

Business Development

Sally Palmer


Andrew O'Donoghue


Chelsea Taylor

Candidate Success

Nana Essie Essel


Kim van der Westhuizen

Candidate Recruitment

Sue Saddul
